The Operations Team



Allie Shaw

Assistant Director of Operation

get to know me:

Acts of service is my love language so naturally I have always been drawn to planning events, dinners, gatherings and festivals that bring people together and make them smile. There is no better feeling than seeing people enjoying the time, effort and detail that you put into making them feel special. As an Operations Director I get a thrill when talking about the logistics and details of how to make our clients’ vision come to life. Each event gets the same level of care, whether it’s planning a trip with my husband and two adventure loving kids, a relaxing camping trip with my friends, a foodie festival, a work conference or a wedding for a special couple. There is nothing better than being part of creating an experience for a memory that lasts a lifetime.

I am so happy to have found a role leading an amazing, positive team at a company that blends my passion for making memories, fun and food together. I have enjoyed every moment of my time at The Wild Thyme Company and feel like I found a new home (kitchen smell included).

  • Favorite city/country to eat/drink my way through: MEXICO!!!! Could there be another. MMMMMMMM give me all the tacos!!!!!

  • I started cooking when: my dad taught me to make egg on toast for breakfast.

  • I’m inspired by: The Wild Thyme’s talented chefs. I love to be in a room full of talent.

  • What do you want to drink right now? Chips & Salsa with a Cadillac Margarita

  • Why I’m a foodie: It’s about the experience! There is nothing that makes me smile more than sitting at the table with the people that I love having a good meal, glass of wine, great conversation with plenty of laughs.


Mirka Caselli

Executive assistant - special project manager

get to know me:

I was born and raised in Italy where hospitality is everywhere and in everyone. Feeling welcome and sharing human connections through food has been the religion that has made me who I am today. With a psychology background I explored restaurants, bars, catering and event planning worlds in many different countries (Europe - Asia - Pacific Isalnds - New Zealand - Central America). After traveling and working all over the world, from Europe, the Pacific Islands and New Zealand, I ended up in San Diego where I met the most inspiring and passionate people that were speaking my language: delivering memorable experiences, giving love through at The Wild Thyme Company! I finally found a place where I belong. I'm looking forward to continuing to grow and finding new ways to share the love.

  • Favorite food at 2:00am: Pizza!

  • The love of my life is: The beach

  • Knife, fork, or spoon? Spoon

  • Favorite city/country to eat/drink my way through: Anywhere in Italy!

  • Why I’m a foodie:  I grew up in an environment where food was not considered simply food. It’s an expression of love, it’s an experience that can change lives.



Whitney Proctor

Payroll & Accounting Administrator

get to know me:

After decades at home raising my children, I began my second career at The Wild Thyme Company in 2021.
With a degree in History & English, and a love of numbers and people, I jumped into the role of administrator in the Accounting & HR Department.
Life is funny, because now I cannot imagine loving a job more. I look forward to my work every day, love new challenges, and anticipate growth and many years as a Wild Thyme Foodie.
I came for the work, stayed for the people, and appreciate the delicious food more every day.

  • What I want to eat/drink right now: Big bacon and egg breakfast and a mimosa

  • The love of my life is: My 7 children

  • I’m inspired by: My amazing co-workers

  • Favorite food at 2am? Del Taco half pound green burrito

  • Why I’m a foodie: Because of the people, the food, the environment and the fun



Brandon Hawk

Bar and rental specialist

get to know me:

I am a positive-minded person with 11 years of catering experience. It was love at first sight. A friend pulled me into this world almost by accident. And guess what?!?! I was good at it! I love the challenge of thinking about all the ways we can deliver a perfect experience for everyone involved and seeing it come to life. There is no better feeling than that!

  • What I want to eat/drink right now: Tacos and a Michelada

  • My favorite aroma is: Lemon zest

  • I’ll never eat/drink: Onions, pistachios

  • Favorite childhood food memory: Making breakfast while camping with the family

  • Why I’m a foodie: TWTC has a great work environment and team setting



Bryen Borneman

event experience manager

get to know me:

The food/hospitality industry for many years was a way for me to provide for my family. I can really say it was not until recently that I view the “Foodie Life” very different. I now am seeing this industry as a lifestyle, a way to express fun and joy through taste and experience.

  • What I want to eat/drink right now: Starbucks Mango-Dragonfruit Refresher w/passion tea and no inclusions

  • My passion is: Researching Bigfoot

  • Favorite childhood food memory: My mom’s casseroles

  • I’m inspired by: Nature

  • Why I’m a foodie: Food sparks conversation, it’s a common link that all living things search for, and it tastes super good!



Alex Skubis

Operations Coordinator

get to know me:

A born and raised Californian with a decade of New York City life and catering experience in the books. Always up for a great party, the event industry was a magnetizing career choice. I feel that when fun and interesting people come together to plan the next big bash, there’s no telling how radical we can make this party. Cheers!

  • My favorite aroma is: Japanese steamed green tea fresh from the pot.

  • Knife, fork, or spoon? Spatula

  • I started cooking when: When my wife allowed me the honor.

  • Favorite food at 2:00 AM: Hawaiian pizza with jalapenos. Waiting for the oven to heat up is the hardest part. Ranch mixed with hot sauce as your dippin’ side kick.

  • Why I’m a foodie: New to San Diego, I sought out the best catering company in the area. The Wild Thyme Company took the crown!


Enrik Elmazi

warehouse OPERATOR

get to know me:

I was born and raised in Albania for 23 years, and when suddenly everything changed and I came to San Diego in 2022 where I started my first job at Wild Thyme Company. I found good and supportive people here. From a barber in another country to a completely different position here, but this made me adapt and get to know everything in this country. I meet new people, new foods, things and everything here. I like to work hard and create a background in this wonderful country. I will always try to increase my values ​​in the work I do with respect and love for all of you!!

  • What do you do in your free time? When I am free I like to relax and spend time with my son and also watch movies.

  • What is one thing on your bucket list? In my bucket list is to make my family proud and to be someone in life.

  • What High 5’s resonate with you the most? Respect and huddle.

  • What do you want to drink right now? Grilled meat and a glass of red wine…in a quiet place…

  • Why I’m a foodie: Because I like to be active and experience a new way how to make people happy and offer them them the best food and service